Dynamic Input Fields with Jquery, ajax and php

In this tutorial we are going to show you how to use Jquery, Ajax and PHP to create a simple script that dynamically update a MySQL database each time a user types in an input field. By using this method the user isn't forced to refresh the page for simple changes while reducing the load on the server.

Click here to see a live example.

The default values in the form are loaded from an example database. You can update them, close the form, and re-open the page to see your values (You may see unfamiliar values if another user is also editing the database. Also, your browser, or the iframe used for this example, may cache values—if you think this may be happening, please refresh the page). To skip the walkthrough, just click the link below to download the example files:



how does the script work?

There are two pages: ajax-form.php, and ajax-update.php. The first page contains a simple HTML form, a jQuery plugin to make it dynamic, and some PHP to get the current database table values. The second page contains only PHP, and it is the code that updates the database.

The HTML (and a little PHP)

Below is the PHP used to get the current values, and the HTML used to build the form.


The name attributes for the [input] elements correspond to the columns in your database. The hidden [input] element "#where" will tell ajax-update.php how to write the MySQL WHERE clause (the name attribute is the column to search for, the value is the row content to look for).


The second file, ajax-update.php simply connects to the database, and selects the current row from the database. It also places the row content into the value attributes of the [input] elements.

Each input field name is a database column name. The hidden #where input is the same.
  1. [?php // DATABASE: Connection variables $db_host = "localhost"; $db_name = "ex_database"; $db_username = "ex_user"; $db_password = "ex_pass"; // DATABASE: Try to connect if (!$db_connect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password)) die('Unable to connect to MySQL.'); if (!$db_select = mysql_select_db($db_name, $db_connect)) die('Unable to select database'); // DATABASE: Get current row $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM user_table WHERE user_id=9"); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); ?]
  2. [form id="ajax-form" class="autosubmit" method="POST" action="./ajax-update.php"] [fieldset] [legend]Update user information[/legend] [label]Company:[/label] [input name="user_company" value="[?php echo $row['user_company'] ?]" /] [label]Name:[/label] [input name="user_name" value="[?php echo $row['user_name'] ?]" /] [label]E-mail:[/label] [input name="user_email" value="[?php echo $row['user_email'] ?]" /] [input id="where" type="hidden" name="user_id" value="[?php echo $row['user_id'] ?]" /] [/fieldset] [/form]

Please input your own variables for accessing your database, or for larger projects, link to a separate file that accesses your database.

The jQuery Plugin

This next chunk of code is the jQuery plugin that runs the dynamic update call for each [input] field. It works as follows:

  1. Begin the jQuery plugin with standard syntax.
  2. Gather all the variables (the column names, form attributes, "where" details).
  3. When onBlur (when [input] loses focus), get the current [input] value.
  4. Then, send the variables to the same page from the form's action attribute.
  5. When the page call is successful, alert user if ajax-update.php produced output.
  6. Otherwise, notify user that the update was successful.

Notice: You will need the jQuery library for this to work. The example files download includes a link to the jQuery library hosted by Google.

All variables are from the HTML. Be sure to write a proper success function.
  1. (function($) { $.fn.autoSubmit = function(options) { return $.each(this, function() { // VARIABLES: Input-specific var input = $(this); var column = input.attr('name'); // VARIABLES: Form-specific var form = input.parents('form'); var method = form.attr('method'); var action = form.attr('action'); // VARIABLES: Where to update in database var where_val = form.find('#where').val(); var where_col = form.find('#where').attr('name'); // ONBLUR: Dynamic value send through Ajax input.bind('blur', function(event) { // Get latest value var value = input.val(); // AJAX: Send values $.ajax({ url: action, type: method, data: { val: value, col: column, w_col: where_col, w_val: where_val }, cache: false, timeout: 10000, success: function(data) { // Alert if update failed if (data) { alert(data); } // Load output into a P else { $('#notice').text('Updated'); $('#notice').fadeOut().fadeIn(); } } }); // Prevent normal submission of form return false; }) }); } })(jQuery);

To understand more about the .ajax() function, how it works, and simpler alternatives, please read our Ajax and jQuery Tutorial.

The jQuery Code Snippet

The jQuery necessary to initiate the autoSubmit() is very simple. When the document is ready, just call .autoSubmit() on every input field that should perform a dynamical update to the database.

This will tell each input element to automatically submit its value after data is entered.
  1. $(function(){ $('#ajax-form INPUT').autoSubmit(); });


The second file, ajax-update.php performs only two functions:

  1. Connect to the MySQL database.
  2. Update the row in the table (if all variables were supplied).
Each input field name is a database column name. The hidden #where input is the same.
  1. // DATABASE: Connection variables $db_host = "localhost"; $db_name = "ex_database"; $db_username = "ex_user"; $db_password = "ex_pass"; // DATABASE: Try to connect if (!$db_connect = mysql_connect($db_host, $db_username, $db_password)) die('Unable to connect to MySQL.'); if (!$db_select = mysql_select_db($db_name, $db_connect)) die('Unable to select database'); // FORM: Variables were posted if (count($_POST)) { // Prepare form variables for database foreach($_POST as $column => $value) ${$column} = $value; // Perform MySQL UPDATE $result = mysql_query("UPDATE user_table SET ".$col."='".$val."' WHERE ".$w_col."='".$w_val."'") or die('Unable to update row.'); }

Please input your own variables for accessing your database, or for larger projects, link to a separate file that accesses your database.

before you Download the script


You will need the jQuery library for this to work. The example files download includes a link to the jQuery library hosted by Google.

